Pasquino 2019


Pasquina, 2019, oil and acrylic on wood 76 x 60cm

Pasquino installation 2019 Catherine Story

Moonfleet, 2019, stone, wood, 29 x 30 x 14 cm (total structure 170 x 70 x 22 cm)


Mother and child, 2019, oil, acrylic, charcoal and paper on wood, 85 x 68cm

Aesop, 2019, clay, wood, acrylic, 18.5 x 15 x 7 cm (total structure 171 x 40.5 x 30 cm)


Olympia’s Table, 2019, oil, acrylic and sand on wood 83 x 67.5 cm

Catherine Story - Pasquino, 2019, oil on wood

Pasquino, 2019, oil and acrylic on wood 76.5 x 50.5 cm


Silhouette 2019, wood, metal, acrylic, 31 x 17 x 13 cm (total 155 x 29 x 27.5 cm)


Serpentine, 2019, oil, acrylic on wood, 100 x 70 cm


Cooke Latham Gallery, London, 6th September - 1st November 2019

Gallery publication